Blog Archive - Perzpektive
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Current dates

The latest dates of the network PerzPektive are:

Wednesday, 9th November. Start of the network meeting with a dinner at 7 P.M
location: Ristorante La Luce DueDorotheenstraße 20, 40235 Düsseldorf

Thursday, 10th November. Network meeting from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M.
location: LAVAlabs Moving Images GmbH & Co.KG, Ackerstraße 11, 40233 Düsseldorf


Past dates:


Second ZIM-Network Meeting in Düsseldorf

The ZIM-Network PerzPektive has met for the second time on November 9th and 10th in Düsseldorf. The network is supported by the German federal ministry for economy and energy within its grant program of ZIM – central innovation program SME. The start of phase two of the network is scheduled for the spring 2017. During the meeting new project ideas have been developed and potential new network partners have introduced themselves.

New partner in network PerzPektive

The network PerzPektive is happy to announce its newest member!
With the admittance of the University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf to the network, PerzPektive has gained an additional partner with competences in the field of Mixed Reality and Visualizing.

Prof. Dr. Christian Geiger, who has already attended the kick-off meeting in the mid of May in Berlin, adds technical competency as well as practical experience into the project. Especially in project parts which include 3D, virtual and augmented reality as well as multimedia the network will profit from his knowledge and experience. In the past year Mr. Geiger has functioned as a mentor of a thesis which has discussed the simulation of age with IT-technology and the corresponding visual and sonic impairments. With this, Mr. Geiger and the working group “Mixed reality and visualization in media”will be a very welcome addition to the network.


Hochschule Düsseldorf


You are interested in the network PerzPektive or you would like to join? Please contact us.

Invitation to event “Know-how for small and medium sized companies” by Mittelstandsforum

The economic organizations of the federal association SME economy (Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW) e.V.), the organisation for economic promotion Lebach (Wirtschaftsförderung Lebach, Germany) and the association for automotive topics Autoregion e.V., are inviting together with DORUCON – DR. RUPP CONSULTING GmbH, the GLOBAL RETOOL GROUP and the SIKB to the lecture series with the topic “Know-how for small and medium sized economy”  held on the 27th of June in Lebach. Topic of this lecture will be “Financing of innovation and growth – grants, loans and mezzanine capital”. Speeches are held in German language.


You are interested in the event or woult like to get to know more about future events? Write us a short message with via our contact form or call us: DORUCON -DR. RUPP CONSULTING GmbH

Kick-off meeting in Berlin

As we announced, members of the network got together in sunny Berlin and met on the 11th and 12th of May for the kick-off meeting held in the meeting room of the TOP Tegel.

First approach in work on PerzPektive and technological roadmap

Main focus of the two days was to meet and get to know each other as well as to develop a technological roadmap for the duration of the network. The first day was structured by measurements for team development, the introduction of the project by the company of SNOM and the presentation of a smart bracelet, held by Dr. Andreas Weber from the Fraunhofer IPMS.

Afterwards the participating partners introduced themselves and their companies and institutes. Before the day was concluded with a joint dinner, the current technological situation on the market was established.

The second day began with a 20 minute self-experience with an age simulation suit “AgeExplorer” of the Meyer-Hentschel Institute, which has offered the unique opportunity to experience what it means to be of old age and to sample the connected limitations. After an interesting talk from Mrs. Dr. Meyer-Hentschel, the participants could perform multiple tasks and experience the difficulties of daily life for those with impairments. With these experiences in mind, the participants developed ideas and specific project goals under the guidance of DORUCON – DR. RUPP CONSULTING GmbH. Afterwards a constructive discussion helped to develop a technological roadmap as well as first project approaches.

Kick-Off PerzPektive ZIM Netzwerk

Participants of the kick-off meeting of the ZIM-network PerzPektive in Berlin


Suit Age Explorer ZIM PerzPektive

Mrs. Baltes of the Meyer-Hentschel Institute informs two participants about the “Age Explorer” suit.



AgeExplorer ZIM Network PerzPektive

Participants show a high interest in gaining experience utilizing the AgeExplorer.

You are interested in joining a german research network? You can find contact information here.

Prospect: Kick-off meeting

The kick-off meeting of PerzPektive will take part on the 11th and 12th of May in Berlin. The founding members will meet for two days of intensive exchange of experiences in the field of technology, project management and innovation. If you are interested in participating in the kick-off meeting, please contact DORUCON-DR. RUPP CONSULTING GmbH.